Title: Adaptive multirobot formation planning to enclose and track a target with motion and visibility constraints
Author: G. López-Nicolás, M. Aranda and Y. Mezouar
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 142-156, Feb. 2020.
Abstract: Addressing the problem of enclosing and tracking a target requires multiple agents with adequate motion strategies. We consider a team of unicycle robots with a standard camera on board. The robots must maintain the desired enclosing formation while dealing with their nonholonomic motion constraints. The reference formation trajectories must also guarantee permanent visibility of the target by overcoming the limited field of view of the cameras. In this article, we present a novel approach to characterize the conditions on the robots’ trajectories taking into account the motion and visual constraints. We also propose online and offline motion planning strategies to address the constraints involved in the task of enclosing and tracking the target. These strategies are based on maintaining the formation shape with variable size or, alternatively, on maintaining the size of the formation with flexible shape.
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Student master projects at UNIZAR on December 2019
Different students have presented their final master projects in the framework of COMMANDIA:
“Visual SLAM systems for robotic manipulator control in non-rigid environments” by Ignacio Cuiral.
This work covers the process of investigation and study of a visual perception technique that allows the acquisition of useful information from the deformable objects in a scene to facilitate their manipulation with the use of robots.
“Multi-camera systems for volumetric reconstruction of 3D objects” by Enrique Hernández.
This work focuses on the study and subsequent implementation of a distributed algorithm for the perception of deformable objects, as well as the development of the appropriate software architecture for its implementation. This algorithm is within the field of cooperative control of multi-agent systems. Within this framework, the volumetric reconstruction of objects is essential in robotic manipulation. Building the 3D model of an object is a complex problem that involves aspects such as modeling, control, perception or planning.
“Multi robot strategies for Intermittent Encounters” by Pablo Guallar.
This work focuses on various aspects in the field of research in multi-robot systems, which enable the implementation of strategies in realistic simulations. This process involves a large number of small challenges to be developed, such as the calculation of trajectories and navigation, positioning of robots with respect to a given network, errors or changes during the simulation in the environment, the use of robots with differential movement, the mathematical implementation of algorithms from the scientific context, theoretical problem solving, communications between robots, etc.
Student degree projects at UNIZAR on December 2019
Different students have presented their final degree projects in the framework of COMMANDIA:
“Robotic manipulation in the Robotic Operating System” by Inazio Gracia.
Several simulations are performed with an ABB robot model IRB 120 and serve as an explanation of how to perform motion planning in a simulation environment. They describe the different methods for moving a robotic manipulator in a scenario. Since normally in industries several robots work simultaneously in work cells, one of the methods of motion planning has been applied to a multi-robot case. Finally, two manipulation tasks are developed with Universal Robots’ collaborative robots, more specifically the model UR5. Each task is defined in a different scenario and is performed with two different tools, a robotic gripper and a vacuum tool.
“Simulation of mobile robots in Gazebo for transport and manipulation tasks” by Gloria del Olmo.
This work has focused on the TurtleBot 3 mobile base, the OpenManipulator robotic arm and the union of both. The set of software, libraries and ROS packages associated with these robots have been used to carry out the task. First of all, the ROS working environment and some of the possibilities it offers have been studied. Then, we have explained and extended the functionalities that ROS offers for the TurtleBot 3 platforms and the OpenManipulator robotic arm, and analyzed them to work in a coordinated way.
COMMANDIA Tutorial on Gazebo
Gazebo is a robot simulator that offers the ability to accurately and efficiently simulate populations of robots in complex indoor and outdoor environments. Gazebo makes it possible to rapidly test algorithms, design robots, perform regression testing, and train AI system using realistic scenarios and has become one of the primary tools used in the ROS community. Following the first COMMANDIA Tutorial on ROS, on November 25, 2019 a tutorial on Gazebo was held on SIGMA Clermont with simultaneous streaming to University of Coimbra, University of Zaragoza, INESCOP and University of Alicante.
Meeting at Universidad de Zaragoza
The different partners of the project presented their advances in the meeting of the COMMANDIA consortium at Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain on November 22, 2019.
Ecofira event

COMMANDIA Newsletter – September 2019
Student degree projects at UNIZAR on September 2019
Different students have presented their final degree projects in the framework of COMMANDIA:
“Navigation of mobile manipulators in the ROS environment” by Jorge Playán.
In this Project, the student will become familiar with the interaction between the “Robot Operating System” (ROS) and two different robots (a commercial one, Turtlebot, and another one in development, Campero). The objectives include understanding the ROS tool applied to robot navigation, developing skills for the installation of ROS software on a computer with the Ubuntu operating system, applying the software to the Turtlebot and Campero robots by performing navigation simulations and critically analyzing the results.
“Assembly and coordinated control of two robotic arms” by Josué Poma.
Two robotic arms, PhantomX Pincher 4 degrees of freedom (GDL) will be used to work in a multi-robot system. After their assembly, we will develop the geometric modeling of our robot using homogeneous matrices and the Denavit-Hartenberg parameterization, which together with the inverse kinematics will allow us to plan Cartesian trajectories. A coordinated movement will be developed between both robots, in which they will be in charge of manipulating a deformable solid, specifically by rotating the sole of a shoe.
West Europe Student and Young Professional Congress (WESYP) 2019
The West Europe Student and Young Professional Congress (WESYP) 2019 were held in Glasgow, UK from 19 to 21 September. The event provided an action-packed program to meet, train and discuss ideas, with an impressive line-up of keynotes from industry, sub-plenary sessions on ‘Emerging Technologies for a Sustainable Future’, IEEE streams, panel discussions, competitions, networking opportunities, etc.
Ignacio Cuiral represented project COMMANDIA in this Forum with a poster entitled “Visual SLAM for Mobile Collaborative Robot Arms in Non‐Rigid Environments”. The work presented by Ignacio was also granted with the Award for Best Poster in the Congress.
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019)
ETFA 2019 is the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) focusing on the latest developments and new technologies in the field of industrial and factory automation. The conference aims to disseminate novel ideas and emerging trends, research results and practical achievements. ETFA 2019 was held on September 10-13, 2019 in Zaragoza, Spain.
On the one hand, Rafael Herguedas presented at ETFA2019 the work entitled “Survey on multi-robot manipulation of deformable objects”, which was coauthored by Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Rosario Aragüés and Carlos Sagüés. On the other hand, Enrique Hernández also presented a work with title “Multi-camera architecture for perception strategies” which was coauthored by Gonzalo López-Nicolás and Rosario Aragüés.