Paper: Intel RealSense SR305, D415 and L515: Experimental evaluation and comparison of depth estimation

Title: Intel RealSense SR305, D415 and L515: Experimental evaluation and comparison of depth estimation
Authors: Francisco Lourenco, Helder Araujo
Conference: 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP’2021)

Abstract: In the last few years Intel has launched several low cost RGB-D cameras. Three of these cameras are the SR305, the L415 and the L515. These three cameras are based on different operating principles. The SR305 is based on structured light projection, the D415 is based on stereo based using also the projection of random dots and the L515 is based on LIDAR. In addition they all provide RGB images. In this paper we perform and experimental analysis and comparison of the depth estimation by the three cameras.
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