ETFA 2019 is the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) focusing on the latest developments and new technologies in the field of industrial and factory automation. The conference aims to disseminate novel ideas and emerging trends, research results and practical achievements. ETFA 2019 was held on September 10-13, 2019 in Zaragoza, Spain.
On the one hand, Rafael Herguedas presented at ETFA2019 the work entitled “Survey on multi-robot manipulation of deformable objects”, which was coauthored by Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Rosario Aragüés and Carlos Sagüés. On the other hand, Enrique Hernández also presented a work with title “Multi-camera architecture for perception strategies” which was coauthored by Gonzalo López-Nicolás and Rosario Aragüés.