Title: Agarre bimanual de objetos asistido por visión
Author: J.A. Castro-Vargas, B.S. Zapata-Impata, P. Gil, J. Pomares
Conference: Tejado Balsera, Inés, et al. (eds.). Actas de las XXXIX Jornadas de Automática: Badajoz, 5-7 de Septiembre de 2018. ISBN 978-84-09-04460-3, pp. 1030-1037
Abstract: Manipulation tasks of objects, sometimes, require the use of two or more cooperating robots. In the industry 4.0, assistance robotic is being more and more demanded, for example, to carry out tasks such as lifting, dragging or pushing of both heavy and big packages. Consequently, it is possible to find robots with human appearance addressed on helping human operators in activities in which these types of movements occur. In this article, a vision-assisted robotic platform is presented to carry out both grasping tasks and bimanual manipulation of objects. The robotic platform consists of a metallic torso with rotational joint at the hip and two industrial manipulators, with 7 degrees of freedom, which act as arms. Each arm mounts a multifinger robotic hand at the end. Each of the upper extremities use visual perception from 3 RGBD sensors located in an eye-to-hand configuration. The platform has been successfully used and tested to carry out bimanual object grasping in order to develop cooperative manipulation tasks in a coordinated way between both robotic extremities.
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