Paper: Experimental multi-camera setup for perception of dynamic objects

Title: Experimental multi-camera setup for perception of dynamic objects

Authors: Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo Lopez-Nicolas and Carlos Sagues

Workshop: Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Objects (ROMADO), 25 October – 25 December, 2020

Abstract: Currently,  perception  and  manipulation  of  dynamic  objects  represent  an  open  research  problem.  In this paper,  we  show  a  proof  of  concept  of  a  multi-camera  robotic setup   which   is   intended   to   perform   coverage   of   dynamic objects.  The  system  includes  a  set  of  RGB-D  cameras,  which are  positioned  and  oriented  to  cover  the  object’s  contour  as required  in  terms  of  visibility.  An algorithm of a previous study allows us to minimize and configure the cameras so that collisions and occlusions are avoided. We test the validity of the platform with the Robot Operating System (ROS) in simulations with  the  software  Gazebo  and  in  real  experiments  with  Intel RealSense  modules.

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